Friday, January 31, 2014

Part Two of the Journey or SPM no more

When I walked out of work today at 4:30, I was no longer an SPM (Senior Project Manager).  No longer tied to the business 24/7.   I applied for the SPM position three or four times, and I'm still fairly certain that one area of expertise landed me the original shot.  I don't think that anyone thought I'd be able to do the work.  Surprise!  Not only was I good, I was DAMN good.  But I knew all along that I didn't want to stay.
So the opportunity to switch to something less stressful presented its self.  I decided to apply for the Group Leader position.  Got the job.  Secured a pay check.  Kept my benefits.  I'll work three or four twelve hour days a week.   But that's not what I am, it's what I do to make ends meet, to put the roof over our heads.
I am a writer.
There.  I said it.  I'm doing it.  It's part two of my journey.  The part where it's for me, and I get to dust off all the old dreams and see if they can become new again.  I feel whole again, knowing that I don't have to answer to anyone, that even if I never publish a thing, that if I write, it will be for me and that for me brings me joy.   Joy is that elusive thing that has been missing from my life.